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Winter Safety Tips for Aging Adults

Stay Safe This Winter With These Tips

Photo of a woman outside bundled up in winter clothes.

The sparkle of the holidays has come and gone. Now, we are to face the task of taking on the rest of the blustery season. However, this can be not only a positive but also an enjoyable time of year. You don’t have to stay cooped up in your home. With the proper safety precautions, you can keep your independence and appreciate winter!

Take Your Time

While you may want to move at your normal pace, it’s important to take your time. This is truer in the winter as you are cold and eager to get back in the house. However, taking shortcuts like walking through the grass or cutting through any uncleaned walkways can significantly increase the risk of falling. Plant both feet firmly on the ground and take short steps with your toes pointed outward for a stable base of support. You may even find an item like our Car Caddie helpful for exiting the car.

Snow Maintenance

It is important to always have a clear sidewalk and driveway. Whether you need to hire an individual to do this or if you have a family member to help, you should be sure that you’re always able to come and go from your home.

Plan Accordingly

When walking outside, pay close attention to what’s ahead of you. We recommend surveying each scene with your eyes. Turning your head to look may cause you to lose balance. If you need to turn your head around, be sure you are holding onto something such as a grab bar for support.

Keep the House Warm

If your home is too cold, it can cause hypothermia. It is important to make sure that you take steps to ensure your home is always warm. By keeping the doors and vents shut in rooms you are not using, you can save on your heating bill and maximize the heat in your daily living spaces. You should also be sure to eliminate any drafts from windows or doors with caulk, curtains or other fabric.

Dress Appropriately

This is true both inside and outside of the house. Often times, people don’t dress warm enough in the winter. This makes them even more likely to detest the winter when simply bundling up with plenty of layers can make the cold so much more enjoyable! You should also be sure to wear shoes or boots with heavy traction on them to avoid falling.

Allow our home medical products to help you stay safe this winter! Check out our catalog to find the item you need.